Virtual Human Role-Players to teach Gender Affirmative Therapy
Gender Affirmative Therapy Suite »
Gain experience working with four role-player clients in a range of gender identities and expressions and develop culturally competent skills to provide a nuanced understanding of how to best serve the mental health needs of transgender and nonbinary individuals.
Suite Includes:
New Patient Intake »
Practice talking with role-player Jemma and build skills to create a safe and inclusive environment during an intake session.
Traditional Needs »
Practice talking with role-player James and build skills to support gender diverse clients experiencing discrimination and social/professional challenges.
Transitioning »
Practice talking with role-player Lucas to develop skills to support gender diverse clients during transition. Practice talking with role-player Lucas to develop skills to support gender diverse clients during transition.
Critical Needs »
Practice helping role-player Eden, who is experiencing three high risk situations including: (1) recently finding out that she is HIV positive, (2) experiencing interpersonal violence, and (3) suicidal ideation.