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Virtual Role-Player Training Suite
for Peer Support Specialists

This Training Was Designed for Classroom Training and Self Study by World-Class Subject-Matter Experts

Only $135 for Annual License of Entire Suite (group discounts available)

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Practice & Build Real Skills with Virtual Role-Players, Avoiding Mistakes with Real Clients

Each virtual role-play will add new skills

Woman training as a Peer Support Specialist with virtual role-player Jake Finney

During the role-plays users will practice

  • Building collaborative relationships
  • Developing commitments to change
  • Maintaining boundaries
  • Providing ongoing support

Practice Developing a Commitment to Change

Role-Player Jake Finney training Developing a Commitment to Change

Learn best practices for helping people find their own reasons (i.e., motivations) to change. Practice with Jake Finney.

Users will learn to:

  • Focus on change by exploring wants and needs
  • Use reflective language to demonstrate understanding
  • Use summary statements to help Jake see benefits

Practice Setting Recovery Goals

Role-Player Nicole Davis training for Setting Recovery Goals

Learn Setting Recovery Goal Practice with Nicole Davis.

Users will learn to:

  • Develop a collaborative Relationship
  • Create a Motivating Conversation
  • Define the acronym, SMART
  • Ensure goals are SMART

Practice Maintaining Boundaries

Role-Player Harold Melton training for Maintaining Boundaries

Learn best practices for building rapport while maintaining proper boundaries. Practice with Harold Melton.

Users will learn to:

  • Explore needs
  • Say no and explain why
  • Brainstorm alternative supports
  • Bonus training (not in simulation) learn why boundaries

Practice Ongoing

Role-Player Paloma Alvarado training for Practicing Ongoing Support

Learn best practices for supporting continued change when clients have experienced recent setbacks. Practice with Paloma Alvarado.

Users will learn to:

  • Focus on recovery strategies that work
  • Review Medication Assisted Recovery options
  • Practice protocols for phone meeting (vs. in-person meetings

Click here to learn about ways people use SIMmersion's role-play simulations.

Benefits of Peer Support

"Because of peer support I am alive!”
"When I saw that other people recovered, it gave me hope that I could too.”
“Peer support has been excellent. Helping me along the way, being there whenever you need people to talk to.”
“Because of peer support, I can stand on my own today.”
“Peer support helped me see that I was not hopeless. It gave me my voice back and bolstered my self-worth.”
“Peer support has been there for me no matter what, and now I am able to help others...” Learn More

SIMmersion's PeopleSim® Technology

During a conversation with one of the role-players, users select from a rich set of prompts. Each selected prompt typically has 5 to 15 available responses. The PeopleSim software calculates probabilities for each response and uses them to randomly choose one response. The calculations are based on one of the randomly selected role-player's personalities and the relationship the user has developed with the role-player. The relationship between the user and the role-player will evolve in a way that depends on what the user says. Click here to read more about SIMmersion’s PeopleSim Technology. Click here to watch a video about SIMmersion’s PeopleSim Technology.

The training systems "Commitment to Change", "Maintaining Boundaries", and "Ongoing Support" training systems were developed in collaboration with New Jersey Human Service and the New Jersey Prevention Network

Funding for the development of this program was made possible by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) State Opioid Response Grants Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No. 93.788. Funding for this initiative was made possible by grant number H79TI083317 from SAMHSA, NJ DHS and DMHAS.

The training system "Setting Recovery Goals" training system was developed in collaboration with the Council of Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Funding for the development of this program was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administrations (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number 6 M01HP 42503-01-01 and the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program. The information, content, and conclusions herein are those of the authors and should not be construed or inferred as the official position or policy of nor endorsement by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.