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Virtual Interview Training for Transition-Age Youth

Supporting Youth with Autism and Other Needs

Designed for Classroom Training, Mentoring Programs, and Self Study

$110 per annual license (Group discounts available)

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Get That Job by Training with

Realistic Role-Players

Learner using Simmersion's Virtual Immersive Simulations training
  • The "Virtual Interview Training for Transition-Age Youth" uses role-players to help build lasting interview skills.
  • Extensive research shows that this training helps people get more jobs than with other training.
  • Practice with feedback makes all the difference.

Click Here to watch video on ways to use this training.

  • Users will learn how to:
    • Be confident, positive, and professional
    • Show interest in the job and that they are honest, dependable and will work well with others
    • Discuss their strengths and skills
    • Explain how they will overcome limitations
  • Training Features:
    • Find a job opening
    • Understand and prepare for the interviewing process
    • Practice filling out a job application
    • Create a resume
    • Handle special considerations such as disabilities and justice system involvement
  • Three levels to challenge skills: Easy, Medium, & Hard
  • Build interview skills by practicing with virtual role-plays

Kendra walks transition-age youth, including those with autism or juvenile justice system experience, through the training program to help them get prepared for real-life job interviews.

Use SIMJOB code for 10% discount

The Role-Play Scenario

wondersmart, part of the role-play scenario for Simmersion Immersive Simulations

The fictional company, Wondersmart, is hiring at their new location. Rita Muniz and Travis Bishop are virtual role-players who will provide as much realistic interview practice as users want. Feedback at every step and in the interview summary will help learners master the skills.

Build the Skills Needed to Get a Job

Graph showing 6 month employment rates based on IDEA category of research participants.
Graph showing number of times the simulation coversation was played and employment rate of those categories.

To view the full report from our partners at the University of Michigan Level-Up Lab click here

What Users Think About SIMmersion's Virtual Role-Plays

Job interviewer candidate talking with virtual role-player Travis Bishop

"Without this program, I would've been very nervous and wouldn't be able to do a successful interview. It taught me different types of ways to make sure I don't feel nervous and make my anxiety go through the roof."

"The experience of the whole program was amazing, and it seriously boosted my confidence for a “real deal” interview and I absolutely LOVED it. I think it’s a great program for everyone."

"I liked how it taught me what and what not to say during an interview and it also helped me learn what I needed to improve on for an interview."

"It helped me learn not to be afraid for a real interview."

"I feel that the program helped me learn the skills needed to have a successful interview, which helped me get a job at our local zoo."

"My favorite thing was getting a good idea of what was proper to say during an interview."

"Without this program, I would've been very nervous and wouldn't be able to do a successful interview. It taught me different types of ways to make sure I don't feel nervous and make my anxiety go through the roof."

"The experience of the whole program was amazing, and it seriously boosted my confidence for a “real deal” interview and I absolutely LOVED it. I think it’s a great program for everyone."

"I liked how it taught me what and what not to say during an interview and it also helped me learn what I needed to improve on for an interview."

"It helped me learn not to be afraid for a real interview."

"I feel that the program helped me learn the skills needed to have a successful interview, which helped me get a job at our local zoo."

"My favorite thing was getting a good idea of what was proper to say during an interview."

"Without this program, I would've been very nervous and wouldn't be able to do a successful interview. It taught me different types of ways to make sure I don't feel nervous and make my anxiety go through the roof."


A list of the peer reviewed papers on our Virtual Interview Training for Youth in Transition can be found at clicking here. Other research can be found at The University of Michigan's Level Up Lab website.