Federal Government | Procure Virtual Human Role-Players
SIMmersion can quickly and easily execute contracts for Federal Government customers using the following options:
Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase III Justification
According to SBIR.gov, our Phase III status brings:
- The right to sole-source contracts
- Exemption from SBA size standards for a procurement
- No limits on the dollar size of a Phase III procurement
- A right to the Phase III mandate, by which the SBIR firm has a right to be awarded a future Phase III award to the greatest extent practicable
- The right to receive subcontracts for Phase III work on a sole-source basis
- The ability to pursue research, research and development, services, products, production, or any combination of those under a Phase III
This may be the preferred contracting vehicle.

Other Transaction Authority (OTA)
The Other Transactions Authority (OTA) allows Federal Government agencies to enter into Other Transactions (OTs), a unique type of legal instrument other than a contract, grant, or cooperative agreement. Generally, this awarding instrument is not subject to the FAR, nor grant regulations, unless otherwise noted for certain provisions in the terms and conditions of the award. It is, however, subject to the OT authority that governs the initiative, as well as applicable legislative mandates. Reference* NIH.gov
Ask your contracting representative to see if this option is right for you.