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Talking about College Drinking with Alison Monroe image

Talking about College Drinking with Alison Monroe


Alison Monroe is a college student and has not spoken to a Resident Advisor (RA) after the start of the semester. As a new RA, speak with Alison to learn more about her life, share information on drug and alcohol use, and any other on-campus support.

Attending college can be a major change for many young adults. Far often, students struggle with classes, friends, and alcohol/drugs alone, which can affect their school performance and mental health. Resident Advisors are trained to aid students in these situations, but it can be challenging to know how and when to offer the proper level of support for each individual student. Understanding how to effectively communicate with students can allow RA’s to become an invaluable resource to all students.


RA’s &
Campus Staff


4 - 6

Average Time
per Session

20 - 30

Teaching Objectives:

  • Building Rapport
  • Demonstrating Active Listening
  • Identifying Concerning Behaviors
  • Describing Available Support Services

Included in Training:

  • A Training Guide with information on describing support services clearly, communicating effectively, and listening while identifying concerning behaviors.
  • A Simulated Conversation with a varied character to prepare learners for the different personalities encountered in real world students.
  • Comprehensive Feedback during and after each play to help guide skill development.
