Clinical Supervision: Establishing a Supervisory Alliance
Jose Perez is a brand-new Alcohol and Drug Counselor Intern, who is about to begin his initial supervision meeting. In the past, Jose battled with addiction, but has been sober for fourteen years. Jose believes that his experience in recovery will help him as a counselor, but he is experiencing some anxiety about beginning his internship. During the conversation, learners will develop a supervisory alliance with Jose, discuss the process of supervision, address legal and ethical standards as they arise, discuss potential goals to set for supervision, and set expectations for future supervision meetings to support him with becoming a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor (CDAC).
In the world of clinical supervision, developing a supervisory alliance with interns is vital for creating a positive and effective learning environment. It promotes open communication, trust, improved job satisfaction, and encourages reflection and self-awareness. This alliance enhances the overall quality of the internship experience and contributes to the interns' successful transition to competent and ethical counselors.
Clinical Supervisors,
Healthcare & Students
Recommended Plays
3 - 6 minimum
Average Time
per Session
30 - 40
Teaching Objectives:
- Building up the Supervisory Alliance
- Covering First Supervision Meeting Topics with a new Alcohol and Drug Counselor
- Managing Supervisee Resistance
Included in Training:
- A Training Guide with information on best practices for helping CDACs set realistic expectations, discussing expressed SMART goals, and managing legal and ethical standards.
- A Simulated Conversation with a varied character to prepare learners to address common feelings new hires experience during their initial supervision meeting.
- Comprehensive Feedback during and after each play to help guide skill development.
This training was developed in collaboration with The New Jersey Prevention Network Addiction Training & Workforce Development (ATWD). To read more about NJPN's ATWD program visit: Clinical Workforce Development Training